The beautiful thing about running is its simplicity and the fact there are always little thing – technique, economy, strength, pace etc – to work on to get better. Even if you’re pushing 70, you can still improve. It’s a lifelong journey.
We have learned a lot in the process. There are so many aspects to improving running performance. Some of it is mental, some physical, and some commonsense.
Learn how sleep can make you a better runner
Runners, especially distance runners, often expect a lot from themselves. We can get focused on our running volume, time on our feet, and all the other stats. They’re important, but can obscure the big picture; performance is a consequence of many thing, including having quality time with your friends and family, diet and of course getting plenty of sleep. Learning to sleep well offers many positive benefits, and no negative effects. “If you aren’t sleeping well, bad things start happening” The tougher the time get, the better your recovery must be. When times are tough you have to respect rest and recovery. That is the only wat you can stay balanced. Sleeping well is essential for this.
Respect Yourself
You have to accept this simple, obvious point, otherwise the following tips are useless. The benefits will never come. “The tougher your life is, the more you need to concentrate on sleep and recovery,” Begin making lifestyle choices that respect your need for rest and recovery.
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